Modelling of Human Factors in Aviation Maintenance Using HFACS-ME (Human Factors Analysis and Classification System- Maintenance Extension) and Bayesian Network
Aircraft maintenance is a complex task involving a skilled human workforce, spare parts, and various other resources. Human factors are an inherent element of the human workforce. Human factors analysis, therefore, becomes an essential aspect of aviation maintenance. Human factors have been identified and classified using various methods in existing literature. However, there is a gap in the study of the interdependency of critical human factors including subfactors, and measuring them effectively to reduce incidents and accidents. This research work proposed a novel approach for human factors modeling using human factors analysis and classification system maintenance extension (HFACS-ME), and bayesian network (BN). Inadequate maintenance processes, inadequate documentation, inadequate supervision, Judgement decision, and attention memory were identified as some of the critical human factors in aircraft maintenance. These critical human factors were further analysed and divided into subfactors. The main contribution of the present research work is the methodology of developing a dependency model of the human factors and subfactors to analyse their measured effects on aircraft maintenance. The proposed BN model demonstrated the estimation of the probability of effective maintenance by considering the critical human factors with available facilities, and resources in an aviation maintenance setup.
Conflict of interest
“Authors state no conflict of interest”
Funding Information
This research received no external funding or grants
Peer review:
Peer review under responsibility of Defence Science Journal
Ethics approval:
Not applicable.
Consent for publication:
Not applicable.