Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Tungsten Heavy Alloy Prepared Using Tungsten Metal Powder Produced from Heavy Alloy Scrap
Tungsten metal powder, using a hydrometallurgical route, was extracted from tungsten heavy alloy scrap that was generated during machining of penetrator cores for the manufacture of Fin Stabilised Armour Piercing Discarding Sabot (FSAPDS). The powder was subjected to extensive characterisation that included physical property evaluation and analysis of the alloy chemistry in order to assess its suitability for the preparation of tungsten heavy alloys with enhanced mechanical properties. Subsequently, a tungsten heavy alloy based on W-Ni-Co was consolidated using this powder through liquid phase sintering followed by heat treatment and swaging operations to realize long rods (~500 mm). This was followed by a detailed characterisation that included microstructure and mechanical property. The mechanical properties of these rods are promising, exhibiting a good balance of tensile and impact properties, which in turn underscores the potential of these recycled powders in the production of premium quality heavy alloy long rods for stringent applications such as kinetic energy penetrators.
Scrap generated during manufacturing of tungsten heavy alloy penetrators.
Flow sheet for preparation of tungsten metal powder from tungsten alloy scrap.
Process flow sheet for preparation of tungsten heavy alloy blanks.
Indigenous tungsten metal powder obtained from tungsten alloy scrap.
Secondary electron images (scanning electron microscopy) of indigenous tungsten powders at different magnifications.
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