Selection of Combat Aircraft by Using Shannon Entropy and VIKOR Method

Received: 11 May 2023, Revised: 12 May 2023, Accepted: 22 July 2023, Available online: 05 Aug 2023, Version of Record: 05 Aug 2023

Dilip Kumar Sharma, Pankaj Prasad Dwivedi


The selection of military defense equipment, especially fighter aircraft, has a bearing on the readiness ofthe Indian Air Force to defend the country’s independence. This study analyses a collection of alternative fighteraircraft that are linked to several choice factors using a multiple-criterion decision-making analysis technique. Tohandle such scenarios and make wise design judgements, a variety of criterion decision analysis techniques can beused. In this study, we assess fifth-generation fighter aircraft that incorporate significant 21st-century technologicaladvancements. These aircraft represent the state-of-the-art in fleet planning operations to 2022. These are generallyequipped with quick-moving airframes, highly integrated computer systems, superior avionics features, networkingwith other battlefield elements, situational awareness, command, control, and other communication capabilities.The study proposes a strategy for the selection of the fifth-generation combat aircraft for the National Air Force.Because of the problems, the Army needed an application that could assist with decision-making for combat selection systems. Solving the decision problem for evaluating fifteen military fighter alternatives in terms of nine decision criteria is the main objective of this work. We use the Shannon entropy and VIKOR model for the Air Force’s fleet program to evaluate military fighter aircraft suitability. The entropy technique is used to compute the weight of the criteria, and then the VIKOR technique has been used to rank the fighter aircraft.
Entropy criterion weight.

Entropy criterion weight.
Data illustration of obtaining the result.

Data illustration of obtaining the result.
Ranking of the alternative fighter aircraft.

Ranking of the alternative fighter aircraft.
Criteria description for military combat aircraft

Criteria description for military combat aircraft
Normalisation of the decision matrix



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