Effect of Explosive Shapes (in Sand Buried Condition) on the Failure of a Circular Clamped Plate of Protective Vehicle
Protective vehicles like armoured personnel carriers (APCs) require assessment of failure of structural elements subjected to impulsive load resulting from explosive blast under sand buried conditions. The explosive shape and location of detonation affect the failure in near field region. In the present study, a circular clamped Rolled Homogenous Armour (RHA) steel plate has been modelled using JC strength & damage model and explosive using JWL equation. Initially, the reflected pressure and specific impulse for a fixed quantity of explosive (3.75 kg) of various shapes i.e. sphere, hemisphere, cylinders with Length to Diameter (L/D) ratio varying from 0.1 to 1 were studied for sand buried at a standoff distance of 118.1 mm. Further, studies were extended for cylindrical charges of φ 213.77 mm with conical 120°-150° and hemispherical cavities with radius of R1.2-R1.8. It was observed that, reflected pressure and specific impulse is much higher for hemispherical cavity of R1.2. The permanent deformation obtained using non-dimensional impulse is valid for explosives without cavities. However, the cavity charges produce failure of plate in the central region of the charge. The critical impulse emerges as an important parameter for assessing failure due to cavity charges. In addition, the scale down experiment is conducted to validate the effectiveness of cavity charges. It can be concluded that cavity charge with hemispherical radius of R1.2 can provide highest damage to RHA plates in close standoff distance.
2-d axis symmetric numerical models for rHA deformation of the plate.
geometry of explosives considered for simulation
Pressure and specific impulse distribution for various shapes of explosives.
rHA plate deformation and total impulse on a plate for different shapes.
material properties of tNt and air 32
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