Obscurant and Radiation Characteristics of Infrared-Screening Smoke Composition Based on Red Phosphorus

Received: 16 Jan 2022, Revised: 18 Jan 2022, Accepted: 25 Feb 2022, Available online: 29 Mar 2022, Version of Record: 29 Mar 2022

Toan Nguyen Trung; Sang Dam Quang; Nguyen Van Tinh


Red phosphorus-based camouflage compositions are often used on naval ships to counter anti-ship missiles. This work focused on investigating the obscurant and infrared radiation characteristics of infrared-screening smoke of pyrotechnic compositions based on red phosphorus, Mg-Al alloy, barium nitrate and Viton A rubber. The results demonstrated that the smoke clouds of the formulation based on red phosphorus and Mg-Al alloy have a high attenuation capability to 1.064 µm laser radiation. Besides, these smokescreens also have a better emission power in the wavelength range of 2.5-5 and 8-14 µm. Therefore, the smoke compositions based on red phosphorus and Mg-Al alloy can be used in camouflage devices on naval ships against infrared and laser-guided missiles
The setup used to determine the transmittance and the mass extinction coefficient. Figure 2. The setup used to measure the infrared emission characteristic.

The setup used to determine the transmittance and the mass extinction coefficient. Figure 2. The setup used to measure the infrared emission characteristic.
Infrared spectral distribution of RP-based smoke clouds.



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