Modelling and Optimisation of Uhf-band Ew based wta Problem within the Scope of threat assessment

Received: 10 Feb 2022, Revised: 16 Feb 2022, Accepted: 22 May 2022, Available online: 26 May 2022, Version of Record: 26 May 2022

Merve Acarlar Barlas; Haluk Gozde; Semih Ozden


The classical weapon target allocation (WTA) problem has been evaluated within the scope of electronic warfare (EW) threat assessment with an electromagnetic effect-based jammer- tactical radio engagement approach. As different from the literature, optimum allocation of non-directional jammers operating at different operating UHF frequencies under constraints to RF emitters is aimed in this study. The values of the targets are modelled using an original threat assessment algorithm developed that takes into account operating frequencies, jamming distance, and weather conditions. The computed jammer-target effect matrix has been solved under different scenarios according to the efficiency and cost constraints. It is seen at the end of the simulations that the allocation results for EW applications largely depend on the effect ratio used. The better results are taken in the case of under 0.5 effect ratio. Finally, jammer-radio allocation problem specified at the suggested model is solved successfully and effectively.
Jammer-target location area.

Jammer-target location area.




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