Object Detection using Particle Swarm Optimisation and Kalman Filter to Track Partially-occluded Targets
Motion estimation, object detection, and tracking have been actively pursued by researchers in the field of real time video processing. In the present work, a new algorithm is proposed to automatically detect objects using revised local binary pattern (m-LBP) for object detection. The detected object was tracked and its location estimated using the Kalman filter, whose state covariance matrix was tuned using particle swarm optimisation (PSO). PSO, being a nature inspired algorithm, is a well proven optimization technique. This algorithm was applied to important real-world problems of partially-occluded objects in infrared videos. Algorithm validation was performed by realizing a thermal imager, and this novel algorithm was implemented in it to demonstrate that the proposed algorithm is more efficient and produces better results in motion estimation for partially-occluded objects. It is also shown that track convergence is 56% faster in the PSO-Kalman algorithm than tracking with Kalman-only filter.
Flowchart depicting PSO algorithm.
Flowchart of m-lbP algorithm.
Thresholding of a value by comparing it to its neighbouring elements.
(a) Photograph of thermal imager used and (b) reference thermal image of house.
(a) Template of man
Indexed in scopushttps://www.researchgate.net/publication/357712475_Object_Detection_using_Particle_Swarm_Optimisation_and_Kalman_Filter_to_Track_Partially_occluded_Targets |
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