Investigation of Transonic Flow Features in an Axial Flow Compressor Rotor.

Received: 11 May 2024, Revised: 20 May 2024, Accepted: 06 July 2024, Available online: 18 Aug 2024, Version of Record: 18 Aug 2024

Kumar, Lakshya; Alone, Dilipkumar B.; Pradeep, A. M.; Shobhavathy, M. T.; S., Satish Kumar


Numerical investigation of an axial flow rotor is carried out for its performance characterization and aerodynamic behavior during the design and off-design operating conditions. The study focuses on capturing the transonic flow features from the choke point (CP) to the near stall (NS) point in the rotor. This includes the analysis of passage shock structure, its movement in the blade passage with varying back-pressure, shock boundary layer interaction, tip leakage flow structure, and resulting losses. The study is carried out from 60 % to 100 % of the design speed using steady and unsteady RANS simulations. Three turbulence models, namely; SST, k-e, and Reynolds stress models, are employed. The SST model predicted the closest approximation to the experimental data. The rotor aerodynamic performance is predicted in terms of total pressure ratio, efficiency, and flow contours. Unsteady analysis revealed that the primary and secondary tip leakage vortices, combined with the suction side tip corner separation, are the major instabilities near the stall region.
AXIAL flow compressorsTRANSONIC flowREYNOLDS stressAXIAL flowBOUNDARY layer (Aerodynamics)



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