A Unified Mechanics Theory-Based Damage Model For Creep in Nickel-Based Superalloys.

Received: 14 July 2024, Revised: 16 July 2024, Accepted: 07 Aug 2024, Available online: 18 Aug 2024, Version of Record: 18 Aug 2024

Sudhamsu Kambhammettu, Sri Krishna; Mangal, Saurabh; C., Lakshmana Rao; Chellapandi, Perumal


Unified Mechanics Theory’s (UMT) entropy-based damage parameter, also known as the “Thermodynamic State Index” has been proven to be consistent and useful in predicting the fatigue life of different metal alloys. In recent times, studies have also demonstrated its applicability towards creep damage in nickel-basedsuperalloys under a limited set of conditions. However, the usefulness of the “Thermodynamic State Index” in estimating damage at different temperatures, and creep loads for different metal alloys has not been evaluated yet. In this paper, creep in INCONEL 600 alloy is modeled using Norton’s creep law modified with entropy-based damage (Thermodynamic State Index). The model is calibrated to predict both damage and creep strains for any given input of stress, temperature, and time. The available database on INCONEL 600 is used in parts to both calibrate and validate the prescribed model. The damage evolution for different cases is compared and imminent conclusions are drawn.
CREEP (Materials)DAMAGE modelsSTRAINS & stresses (Mechanics)HEAT resistant alloysALLOYS



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