High Strain Rate Modeling of CFRP Composite Under Compressive Loading.

Received: 07 June 2024, Revised: 12 June 2024, Accepted: 10 Aug 2024, Available online: 18 Aug 2024, Version of Record: 18 Aug 2024

Chaurasia, Bipin Kumar; Kumar, Deepak


An in-depth understanding of how Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Plastics (CFRP) respond to intense strain rates is essential, particularly in non-linear deformation and dynamic loading situations. The authors performed a computational study to examine the behavior of CFRP composites when exposed to high strain rates under compressive loading. Specifically, we employed Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar models for cohesive interfacial simulations, continuum shell analysis, and laminated composites oriented at 0° at a strain rate equivalent to 900 s-1. The Finite Element model utilized a custom Hashin damage model and a Vectorized User Material (VUMAT) sub-routine to identify degradation damage within the CFRP composite model. The quasi-isotropic composite demonstrated a significant enhancement in dynamic strength compared to static values, attributed to its intense sensitivity to strain. As confirmed by experimental test results, numerical simulations accurately predicted stress (σ)-strain (ε) and strain rate (ἐ) curves. Additionally, it was observed that the relationship between damage behavior varied depending on the element type used.
STRAIN rateCOMPRESSION loadsCARBON fiber-reinforced plasticsDAMAGE modelsLAMINATED materialsECCENTRIC loads



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