Realization of High Pressure Turbine Blades of a Small Turbo-Fan Engine through Investment Casting Process.

Received: 05 Mar 2023, Revised: 09 Mar 2023, Accepted: 10 June 2023, Available online: 14 June 2023, Version of Record: 14 June 2023

Chatterjee, D.; Chauhan, A. S.; Venkat; Tigga, D. P.; Das, D. K.


Turbo-fan gas turbine engines, or simply turbo-fan engines (STFEs), are used for powering both manned aircrafts and unmanned air vehicles (UAVs). The high pressure turbine section of such engines use Ni-base superalloy cast rotor blades because of their good mechanical properties at high operating temperatures. The present paper provides the technical/technological details of the various aspects associated with development and manufacturing of high pressure turbine blades (HPTBs) for utilization in an indigenously-developed small turbo-fan engine. Vacuum investment casting process has been adopted for realization of the above equiaxed components using a Ni-base superalloy.
INVESTMENT castingTURBINE bladesMECHANICAL drawingGAS turbinesENGINESINTERNAL combustion engines



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