Analysis of Pleated Discrete Pore Non-Woven Layer Type Filter Element for Naval Applications.

Received: 11 July 2023, Revised: 14 July 2023, Accepted: 25 Aug 2023, Available online: 25 Sep 2023, Version of Record: 25 Sep 2023

Prabu, P. S. Chenthil; Krishna, Chellapilla Vamsi; Nagesh, S.; Chandrasekhar, R. P.; Murugesan, R.


In naval applications generally, the pleated discrete pore non-woven layer filter element is used. Filters used for such applications require a maximized filtration rate, lower pressure drop, higher permeability, effective pore size distribution and good filtration efficiency. In the other most common wire mesh filter element type, the geometric parameters are well-defined and can easily be modelled. In the case of non-woven layer filter element, the pores are arranged in a randomly distributed manner and the modelling becomes difficult. In this present study, a new approach was contemplated for modelling the same. The fluid flow through the filter element is by percolation phenomenon. Using Darcy’s law approach, the pressure drop across the filter element for different flow rates was found analytically by considering the flow resistance in all three polar coordinates r, θ and Z. The theoretical prediction made by CFD analysis is correlated with actual model behaviour and a good degree of correlation is obtained which shows the efficacy of this method for wider use in similar applications.
DARCY'S lawPORE size distributionPRESSURE drop (Fluid dynamics)FLUID flowPERMEABILITY



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