An Application of Machine Learning in Empirical and Variational Mode Decomposition with SVM Classifier to Enhance Diagnostic Accuracy for Disease Detection in Soldier's Eyes.

Received: 02 Jan 2025, Revised: 07 Jan 2025, Accepted: 04 Feb 2025, Available online: 10 Feb 2025, Version of Record: 10 Feb 2025

Manghnani, Pooja; Moghe, Asmita A.


Soldiers rely heavily on their vision, which is crucial not only for daily activities but also for the effective operation of defense systems, weaponry, and other military applications. However, various eye disorders, such as those related to increased intra-ocular pressure, can lead to irreversible vision loss, severely impacting a soldier's operational capabilities. While extensive research has been conducted on detecting such ocular conditions, there remains a critical need for more accurate diagnostic methods to ensure early detection and treatment. In this study, we propose a novel approach combining Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD) and Variational Mode Decomposition (VMD) for enhanced detection of eye disorders from retinal fundus images. The proposed method includes a comprehensive preprocessing phase, followed by decomposition using EMD and VMD techniques. The decomposed images undergo feature extraction through feature combination, with subsequent normalization and selection using z-score and the Relief method, respectively. Classification is performed using Support Vector Machines (SVM) with various kernels, including cubic, Gaussian, linear, and quadratic. The results demonstrate that the proposed method achieves high accuracy, with SVM kernel functions yielding accuracies of 98.30 %, 96.59 %, 96.59 %, and 97.87 % for 10-fold cross-validation, respectively. Additionally, the evaluation metrics, including sensitivity and specificity, indicate superior performance compared to state-of-the-art methods for similar datasets. This advanced diagnostic approach offers significant improvements in detecting eye disorders, which could be crucial in defense applications. Early and accurate diagnosis by military ophthalmologists can lead to better decision-making and timely interventions, ultimately preserving the vision and effectiveness of soldiers in the war.
HILBERT-Huang transformINTRAOCULAR pressureSUPPORT vector machinesRETINAL diseasesFEATURE extraction



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