A Hybrid Computational Intelligence-based Technique for Automatic Cryptanalysis of Playfair Ciphers.

Received: 12 Jan 2020, Revised: 17 Jan 2020, Accepted: 22 Mar 2020, Available online: 27 Mar 2020, Version of Record: 27 Mar 2020

Din, Maiya; Pal, Saibal K.; Muttoo, S. K.; Madan, Sushila


The Playfair cipher is a symmetric key cryptosystem-based on encryption of digrams of letters. The cipher shows higher cryptanalytic complexity compared to mono-alphabetic cipher due to the use of 625 different letterdigrams in encryption instead of 26 letters from Roman alphabets. Population-based techniques like Genetic algorithm (GA) and Swarm intelligence (SI) are more suitable compared to the Brute force approach for cryptanalysis of cipher because of specific and unique structure of its Key Table. This work is an attempt to automate the process of cryptanalysis using hybrid computational intelligence. Multiple particle swarm optimization (MPSO) and GAbased hybrid technique (MPSO-GA) have been proposed and applied in solving Playfair ciphers. The authors have attempted to find the solution key applied in generating Playfair crypts by using the proposed hybrid technique to reduce the exhaustive search space. As per the computed results of the MPSO-GA technique, correct solution was obtained for the Playfair ciphers of 100 to 200 letters length. The proposed technique provided better results compared to either GA or PSO-based technique. Furthermore, the technique was also able to recover partial English text message for short Playfair ciphers of 80 to 120 characters length.
CRYPTOGRAPHYCIPHERSPARTICLE swarm optimizationSWARM intelligenceCOMPUTATIONAL intelligence



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