Bionic stab-resistant body armor based on triangular pyramid structure

Received: 11 Jan 2021, Revised: 18 Jan 2021, Accepted: 04 Apr 2021, Available online: 18 June 2021, Version of Record: 18 June 2021

Ya-xin Guo, Meng-qi Yuan, Xin-ming Qian
State Key Laboratory of Explosion Science and Technology, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, 100081, China


A stab-resistant substrate was designed and realized with a triangular pyramidal structure, inspired by the biological armor model in nature. The stab-resistance behavior and dynamic response mechanisms were studied through numerical simulation and experimental testing of a knife impacting a substrate, and an optimal structural design was obtained accordingly, with a tilted angle of 22.5° and optimal thickness of 1.2 mm. It was shown that the triangular pyramidal structure generated twice the internal energy of the knife than the flat substrate due to the dispersing effect of the structure. The force parallel to the inclination caused a significant scratch on the substrate surface, while the force perpendicular caused obvious substrate deformation. A new riveting method was used to form the total layer, which passed the GA 68–2008 standard. The stab-resistant clothing coupled with the reduced wearing burden could provide effective protection and avoid fatal injuries on security personnel working in dangerous environments. The method provided may enlighten the future design and manufacturing of stab-resistant clothing.

Stab resistant
Impact behavior
Body armor
Finite element analysis



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