FE modeling of concrete beams and columns reinforced with FRP composites

Received: 14 Dec 2020, Revised: 02 Jan 2021, Accepted: 26 Feb 2021, Available online: 29 Mar 2021, Version of Record: 29 Mar 2021

Farid Abed a, Chahmi Oucif b, Yousef Awera a, Haya H. Mhanna a, Hakem Alkhraisha a
Department of Civil Engineering, American University of Sharjah, P.O. Box 26666, United Arab Emirates
Institute of Structural Mechanics (ISM), Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Marienstraße 15, D-99423, Weimar, Germany


Compression and flexure members such as columns and beams are critical in a structure as its failure could lead to the collapse of the structure. In the present work, numerical analysis of square and circle short columns, and reinforced concrete (RC) beams reinforced with fiber reinforced polymer composites are carried out. This work is divided into two parts. In the first part, numerical study of axial behavior of square and circular concrete columns reinforced with Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer (GFRP) and Basalt Fiber Reinforced Polymer (BFRP)bars and spiral, and Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) wraps is conducted. The results of the first part showed that the axial capacity of the circular RC columns reinforced with GFRP increases with the increase of the longitudinal reinforcement ratio. In addition, the results of the numerical analysis showed good correlation with the experimental ones. An interaction diagram for BFRP RC columns is also developed with considering various eccentricities. The results of numerical modeling of RC columns strengthened with CFRP wraps revealed that the number and the spacing between the CFRP wraps provide different levels of ductility enhancement to the column. For the cases considered in this study, column with two middle closely spaced CFRP wraps demonstrated the best performance. In the second part of this research, flexural behavior of RC beams reinforced with BFRP, GFRP and CFRP bars is investigated along with validation of the numerical model with the experimental tests. The results resembled the experimental observations that indicate significant effect of the FRP bar diameter and type ont he flexural capacity of the RC beams. It was also shown that Increasing the number of bars while keeping the same reinforcement ratio enhanced the stiffness of the RC beam.

Numerical analysis
Experimental tests



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