Database on mineral mediated carbon reduction: implications for future research
Carbon reduction is an important process for Earth-like origins of life events and of great interest to the astrobiology community. In this paper, we have collected experimental results, field work and modelling data on CO and CO2 reduction in order to summarize the research that has been carried out particularly in relation to the early Earth and Mars. By having a database of this work, researchers will be able to clearly survey the parameters tested and find knowledge gaps wherein more experimentation would be most beneficial. We focused on reviewing the modelling parameters, field work and laboratory conditions relevant to Mars and the early Earth. We highlight important areas addressed as well as suggest future work needed, including identifying relevant parameters to test in both laboratory and modelling work. We also discuss the utility of organizing research results in such a database in astrobiology.
carbon fixationdatabaseearly EarthMarsreduction
Conflict of interest
“Authors state no conflict of interest”
Funding Information
This research received no external funding or grants
Peer review:
Peer review under responsibility of Defence Science Journal
Ethics approval:
Not applicable.
Consent for publication:
Not applicable.